Spencer Bliven

Results 93 comments of Spencer Bliven

I'm not sure about the context of this old issue, but I also had some problems with ZSH being extremely slow (minutes per line). I traced this back to agnoster's...

@apjanke Thanks! I even put some work towards your version of this bug, apjanke/agnosterj-zsh-theme#6

I don't reconfigure my prompt dynamically. I think it would be better to just make sure that prompts stay fast with lots of empty segments.

Oh, I should have also mentioned that it obeys the per-repository git setting `oh-my-zsh.hide-status`, just like agnoster

What's the current process for updating to new versions? Is there a script to dump the item recipes and generate recipes.ml? I'd be interested in implementing this feature, but I...

The web states 0.17 compatibility.

@pixelb You should consider marking fslint as an archived project if there are no plans to port to python3.

I've written some code to do this for one of my projects. I'll push it back into BioJava for you.

The list should definitely be in the documentation. You get an idea from the [/src/converter](https://github.com/gka/chroma.js/tree/master/src/converter/) subdir (UCS doesn't seem to be supported): CMYK, HCG, HSI, HSL, HSV, Lab, LCH

@basnijholt You can try @qhua948's fork, published as `m2rr`.