翠 / green

Results 246 comments of 翠 / green

Vite puts postcss plugins in the following order. ```js [postcssImport, postcssModules, ...userPlugins, postcssViteRewriteUrl] ``` In this order (`[postcssModules, postcssNested]`), the output is: ```css ._component_8abi2_1 { color: var(--color-red); ._nested_8abi2_7 { width:...

I took a look around postcss plugin specs. Maybe it's possible to solve on plugins' side? https://github.com/postcss/postcss/releases/tag/8.0.0#:~:text=Plugins%20will%20re%2Dvisit%20changed%20nodes%20to%20reduce%20compatibility%20issues%20between%20plugins.%20Now%20the%20order%20of%20plugins%20in%20your%20PostCSS%20config%20will%20be%20less%20important. #764 #296 I feel it's better to avoid extending the plugin interface of...

The API spec looks great to me. (Though I've never created a meta-framework, so I don't have much confidence) About the name of `resolveDependencies`, given that most users won't need...

Maybe what you want is `node_modules/.vite/deps/_metadata.json`? (this is not a public API, so there might be any changes in any version)

Closing due to lack of response. Feel free to create a new issue with more context!

For a workaround, add a module that re-exports everything from `logger.ts` and use it instead in worker. ```js // logger2.ts export * from './logger' ``` ```js // worker.ts onmessage =...

Awesome! Some random thoughts. (Doesn't need to be included in this PR) - If we could sort the values in `__viteFileDeps`, the compressed file size might be reduced - If...

This one might be related. https://github.com/sapphi-red/vite/runs/8252277687?check_suite_focus=true#step:12:46

> I fixed the bug with `` and modified the tests to make sure this won't regress in the future. Thanks! > Also I didn't quite get what you meant...