翠 / green

Results 246 comments of 翠 / green

It seems it happens with plugin-legacy + worker as you said. Minimal reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-nzeh9i?file=package.json

The name is generated by rollup from id(`comp.vue?vue&type=script&setup=true&lang.js`). We could treat vue files specially and replace the filename in `generateBundle` hook. But I don't think this causes any problem.

I'm leaning towards the alternative one, too. I think it is more easy to understand the behavior, especially when an `importmap` is injected by `transformIndexHtml`. > Not sure if this...

> I didn't add a warning though as I think there are cases where someone has no control over where the importmap is injected in a Vite plugin (?). I...

I was not able to reproduce. Editing class components caused a full reload properly for me. I tested the components below. Would you create a reproduction or add a test...

> Note: I think having both a functional and class component in the same file has something to do with the bug. I think so. When a functional component exists...

I thought they were the same, but it seem to be slightly different, so I will reopen this one. Thank you.

Thanks for digging into this one. I am thinking that it might only matter whether the sourcemap maps `foo.js?t=bar` to `foo.js`. Would you check if this works? ```js if (s)...