翠 / green

Results 246 comments of 翠 / green

I'll close this for now as I don't know how to clarify it.

Vite's document seems to be wrong (or there was a behavior change on chokidar side?). See #7850.

I guess changing ```js if (!hmrContext.modules.length) { // html file cannot be hot updated if (file.endsWith('.html')) { config.logger.info(colors.green(`page reload `) + colors.dim(shortFile), { clear: true, timestamp: true }) ws.send({ type:...

> Regarding sapphi's comment, I suppose if the HTML was ever in the `hmrContext.modules`, it may be safer to invalidate the modules anyway to prevent potential issues with tailwind. With...

The fix on Vite side is released in 5.1.6 (https://github.com/vitejs/vite/pull/16124).