Samuel Ainsworth

Results 224 comments of Samuel Ainsworth

@parrotdance Thanks! For others on the struggle bus, I found that you have to restart/reload VSCode for the setting to kick in.

I'm not seeing VGG19 listed anywhere on the [README](, only VGG16. Are you guys testing on VGG16 or VGG19?

Neat, was not aware of that! Yeah I think having a separate transform would be great.

> This will require a major rewrite. I'll work on that. Hey @felipenoris, out of curiosity what about the current design is causing this behavior?

FWIW I came across the same issue. Changing ```graphql query RepoUrl($id: ID!) { node(id: $id) { ... on Repository { url } } } ``` to ```graphql query RepoUrl($id: ID!)...

Update: seems like the issue is not that the multiple clauses bit but rather that receiving a response like `{"data":{"insert_lines_one":{"__typename":"lines"}}}` make graphql_client very unhappy. I have the following code: ```rs...

@ulwlu I don't remember 100% off the top of my head by I think I added a field to my query that I didn't really need and that just made...

I also ran into this issue recently. I have to say it kinda shook my faith in the whole "Typed, correct" tagline... What work needs to be done in order...

@hardmaru I'm not sure this quite solves the issue though. Unless I'm very mistaken ![image]( is not proportional to ![image]( I guess that it's a very sensible parameter to adjust...

Hey @cgarciae, thanks for putting #9 together! It does the trick for me!