Samuel Ainsworth

Results 224 comments of Samuel Ainsworth

Thanks for following up @msteen! Perhaps I'll give the NixOS service variant a try.

just set up the NixOS config version and that seems to be working fine. Thanks for everything @msteen!

Yeah, it'd still be nice to get a new official release out though. I'm starting to worry the project might be abandoned or something.

Thanks for all your hard work on this @zargony! We really appreciate it!

What's the consensus on this issue? Should I also just copy-paste `unmount` into my project?

Also I can confirm that `auto_unmount` doesn't work with osxfuse.

So what's the right approach to supporting ctrl-c-able fuse mounts? I'm using `fuse::mount` right now. I could switch to `fuse::spawn_mount` but it sounds like that is questionably `unsafe`, and potentially...

Thanks @thealpa!

> Unfortunately it's not cry and we're working on it at least. There are some weird bracketing issues in the rootfinding library where it can give roots that are outside...

> I think the best thing to do would be to use a DiscreteCallback and basically do event location yourself inside of it. The function that you need to do...