Samuel Ainsworth

Results 224 comments of Samuel Ainsworth

Fair enough, but still quite dangerous. Perhaps a better goal for this issue would be to request a "strict" mode a la "use strict" in JavaScript.

I'm a big fan of TypeScript but I imagine there are a number of pure JS users out there that would like stricter behavior but cannot use TS for whatever...

I'm in a situation where the root directory is not itself a rust project. In that case crates does not activate.

Hey @davidanthoff ! Yeah, let me see if I can come up with some mock data that have the same effect...

I ran into this exact same issue. I still don't understand why `@filter(_.b !== missing)` and `@filter(ismissing(_.b)` don't work. What's going on here?

@davidanthoff How would I go about doing something a little bit more complicated though? For example, let's say I only want to keep rows that have a non-missing value in...

Same here... I don't really understand how this was ignored, or if I'm severely misunderstanding something...

Looks like this may be related to since I'm also running CentOS 7 (not by choice). Oddly enough other code relying on the `libc` crate still works just fine.

My hacky workaround is to just use a macro: ```rust macro_rules! juniper_ensure { // TODO why doesn't recursion work? ($cond:expr $(,)?) => { if !$cond { return Err(juniper::FieldError::new( concat!("Condition failed:...

Getting the same error here, basically the same setup. On the remote machine: Julia 1.4.2 with tmux 2.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.4.