Hey @tmigot, for the moment, introducing static surrogate models requires a big change in the `NOMAD C++` code api (not the `C` interface), which should be planned for the release...
@paulapatience They may. It is the user's responsibility to be careful about the parameter arguments he gives to the function. For the exception that can be thrown on new, could...
Not really. It is a mistake of our part. We will fix it. Thank you for spotting it.
Corrected for the next release.
@paulapatience It could be corrected, but follows a c convention (the exit(1) or exit(0)). At long term, the goal is to return an int flag, indicating the state of the...
Corrected for the next release.
@ufechner7 Could I see the characteristics of your blackbox ? For example, - is it a multithread julia function ? In this case, NOMAD.jl is not really robust. - I...
Could you provide me a simple test reproducing the problem ? Maybe two other things to check (eventually for a workaround): - what is your computer system (mac, linux, windows...
@martinmestre The interface of the NOMAD software in Julia does not include the parameter FIXED_VARIABLES, because it is difficult to test it when combined with linear equality constraints (between others)....
Infortunately, `NOMAD.jl` is based on the software NOMAD 4, which does not implement a biobjective optimization algorithm. You have to use the `C++` version of NOMAD 3.9 to have this...