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How to use NOMAD with a function that depends on both the parameters to be optimized (x) and fixed parameters (p)?
Hi, I would really appreciate an example on this. Thanks.
We have a parameter called FIXED_VARIABLES for that.
And we have an example for Nomad in batch mode.
@martinmestre The interface of the NOMAD software in Julia does not include the parameter FIXED_VARIABLES, because it is difficult to test it when combined with linear equality constraints (between others). You need to launch it only on non-fixed variables. However, the following example should do the deal:
import NOMAD
function bb1(x, p)
sum1 = sum(cos.(x) .^ 4)
sum2 = sum(x)
sum3 = (1:length(x)) .* x
prod1 = prod(cos.(x) .^ 2)
prod2 = prod(x)
g1 = -prod2 + 0.75
g2 = sum2 - 7.5 * length(x)
f = 10 * g1 + 10 * g2
if (sum3 ≠ 0.0)
f -= abs((sum1 - 2 * prod1) / sqrt(3))
# scaling
f *= 10^(-5) + p
c2000 = -f - 2000 + p
return (true, true, [g1; g2; f; c2000])
for param in [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0] #include two times 2.0 for reproducibility
println("parameter = ", param, "\n")
pb = NOMAD.NomadProblem(5, 4, ["PB"; "PB"; "OBJ"; "EB"],
x -> bb1(x, param))
pb.options.max_bb_eval = 1000
result = NOMAD.solve(pb, 7.0 * ones(Float64, 5))
On my machine, it returns:
parameter = 1.0
1 -168090.044939
A termination criterion is reached: No termination (all). Mesh minimum precision reached (Algo)
Best feasible solution: Undefined.
Best infeasible solution: #102716 ( 2.00166e-08 -222.807 6.07192 -97.4832 151.656 ) Evaluation OK f = -1999 h = 0.122258619025000001
Blackbox evaluations: 851
Total model evaluations: 97312
Cache hits: 78
Total number of evaluations: 929
parameter = 2.0
1 -336178.408995
324 -1994.428007
326 -1997.180223
351 -1997.953221
395 -1997.977435
462 -1997.999186
615 -1997.999481
636 -1997.999555
637 -1997.999774
659 -1997.999975
798 -1997.999977
816 -1997.999981
817 -1997.999995
909 -1997.999998
981 -1998
A termination criterion is reached: Maximum number of blackbox evaluations (Eval Global) 1000
Best feasible solution: #177805 ( -3.75106e-06 -34.3587 -5.3168 27.9054 -50.2317 ) Evaluation OK f = -1998 h = 0
Best infeasible solution: #165855 ( -2.92766e-06 -34.3587 -5.31716 27.9054 -50.2499 ) Evaluation OK f = -1994.1627410000000964 h = 0.000000000001
Blackbox evaluations: 1000
Total model evaluations: 156157
Cache hits: 98
Total number of evaluations: 1098
parameter = 2.0
1 -336178.408995
324 -1994.428007
326 -1997.180223
351 -1997.953221
395 -1997.977435
462 -1997.999186
615 -1997.999481
636 -1997.999555
637 -1997.999774
659 -1997.999975
798 -1997.999977
816 -1997.999981
817 -1997.999995
909 -1997.999998
981 -1998
A termination criterion is reached: Maximum number of blackbox evaluations (Eval Global) 1000
Best feasible solution: #177805 ( -3.75106e-06 -34.3587 -5.3168 27.9054 -50.2317 ) Evaluation OK f = -1998 h = 0
Best infeasible solution: #165855 ( -2.92766e-06 -34.3587 -5.31716 27.9054 -50.2499 ) Evaluation OK f = -1994.1627410000000964 h = 0.000000000001
Blackbox evaluations: 1000
Total model evaluations: 156157
Cache hits: 98
Total number of evaluations: 1098
parameter = 3.0
1 -504266.773051
332 -1996.036238
379 -1996.699164
457 -1996.744346
471 -1996.919412
535 -1996.98619
540 -1996.988497
589 -1996.999198
758 -1996.999977
891 -1996.999982
915 -1996.999996
A termination criterion is reached: Maximum number of blackbox evaluations (Eval Global) 1000
Best feasible solution: #183997 ( -42.5891 8.98381 6.27354 0.000322763 -1.31333 ) Evaluation OK f = -1996.9999960000000101 h = 0
Best infeasible solution: #189937 ( -42.6005 8.97419 6.27395 0.000233275 -1.3404 ) Evaluation OK f = -1990.3838189999999031 h = 0.000000000169
Blackbox evaluations: 1000
Total model evaluations: 174204
Cache hits: 90
Total number of evaluations: 1090
Hope it helps ! We will add a remark in the documentation.