Russ Cam

Results 35 issues of Russ Cam

Each API models the API url parts as an enum, and where an API has more than one enum variant, the API function on the root/namespace client takes the enum...


Similar to #62, The [scroll API]( can be used to retrieve a large number of documents from Elasticsearch by issuing a search request with the `scroll` parameter, and using the...


All Elasticsearch clients are intended to retry API calls whose response is a 502, 503 or 504 HTTP status code when there is another node that the client knows about...


The [ecs-logging spec defines a `` property]( that can be populated with the APM agent service name. ECS .NET APM integrations should populate this value. ### Possible Implementation The APM...


relates: Activity ids and context are added to log scopes in newer versions of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Investigate using values added to scopes to populate trace related fields in Elasticsearch.Extensions.Logging.


Core minimum for release 1.9.0 * Autogenerate from the schema definition. * Fix up any compatibility issues with clients/usage, e.g. different loggers. Depending on the extent of changes, for anything...


Core minimum for release 1.8.0 * Autogenerate from the schema definition. * Fix up any compatibility issues with clients/usage, e.g. different loggers. Depending on the extent of changes, for anything...


This PR downloads specs and tests from GitHub when they're not available on the Artifacts API. The Artifacts API only keeps a certain number of recent versions available, making it...

This commit adds documentation for the msearch API. Based on feedback from StackOverflow:

### Problem [Qdrant]( is a vector search engine/database that is becoming popular for search and recommendations use cases. Qdrant provides docker images but there isn't currently an official .NET test...
