Roozbeh Pournader
Roozbeh Pournader
The new rules are mathematically identical, but are simpler and may be faster to calculate. ##### Checklist - [x] Issue filed: - [x] Updated PR title and link in...
I just typed in the leap year data from the Iranian calendar authority and put it at: It would be great if automatic tests could be added based on...
The proposal doesn't request syllabic categories, but we decided to assign them. It looks like we overlooked that the first letter is an independent vowel, not a consonant.
Instead of ``# Po MIDDLE DOT``, the first data line in reads ``#Po MIDDLE DOT``. I see no reason for this space to be dropped if the data is...
For example, running it on Noto's third_party/noto_cjk/NotoSansKR-Regular.otf results in: ``` roozbeh@machine-name:~/compreffor/compreffor$ ./ NotoSansKR-Regular.otf Warning: There are subrs in NotoSansKR-Regular.otf Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 387, in main(**kwargs)...
[source] Here's all the numerals: 𝋠𝋡𝋢𝋣𝋤𝋥𝋦𝋧𝋨𝋩𝋪𝋫𝋬𝋭𝋮𝋯𝋰𝋱𝋲𝋳 Numbers larger than 20 are apparently written vertically, most significant highest. So here's the number 2021, for example: 𝋥 𝋡 𝋡 Here is...