Roozbeh Pournader
Roozbeh Pournader
You also have part of that algorithm here, in your `isleap()` method. I recommend either having it here or in both projects.
> If we are going to get much more of these kinds of proposals, we need to find a way to incorporate validation and regeneration of DoNotEmit.txt in the tools;...
I would change that to anything with gc=Mn and BELOW at the end of the name. Some combining marks, like most of the ones in the Arabic block, don't have...
I would keep all "Islamic"s. I know for a fact that Saudi Arabia uses islamic-umalqura, that Iran uses islamic observational, and that some Arab countries use the tabular and civil...
Android's fallback chain is in the AOSP tree at frameworks/base/data/fonts/fonts.xml. It has changed slightly for N, but not by much. Check the file from an N developer preview devices (or...
@kenlunde re scaling or replacing Roboto, Android devices who want to participate in certain parts of the ecosystem are not allowed to do that after certain version of Android, IIRC....
@kenlunde Interesting! I would like to know the differences.