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[fontlist] Mayan Numerals sample
Here's all the numerals: 𝋠𝋡𝋢𝋣𝋤𝋥𝋦𝋧𝋨𝋩𝋪𝋫𝋬𝋭𝋮𝋯𝋰𝋱𝋲𝋳
Numbers larger than 20 are apparently written vertically, most significant highest. So here's the number 2021, for example: 𝋥 𝋡 𝋡
Here is 2019: 𝋥 𝋠 𝋳
I don't really know where to go from here. I'm not the creative type. Here's the largest known double Mersenne prime, 170141183460469231731687303715884105727:
𝋣 𝋣 𝋧 𝋭 𝋠 𝋤 𝋰 𝋠 𝋮 𝋬 𝋢 𝋭 𝋩 𝋡 𝋨 𝋪 𝋬 𝋣 𝋳 𝋨 𝋥 𝋡 𝋨 𝋭 𝋯 𝋭 𝋤 𝋦 𝋧