Patrick Roncagliolo

Results 79 comments of Patrick Roncagliolo

@ahcorde may I ask you to trigger the workflows? Not sure if the last one was triggered by you or not, but since it failed I made some fixes :)...

Ok, up to now the code builds but CI fails uncrustify/cpplint due to foreign code (Gazebo's modified node.hh & This means that: - either we re-format the files (diverging...

> Hi @roncapat, > > Thank you for your contribution but I would like to understand this better, what's the motivation behind this ? You already can access to these...

Linting of Gazebo-included files can't be fully achieved since cpplint and uncrustify collide each other on some lines. This may of course be avoided at all by

May I ask where I can see a log of the problem? From mobile I'm just seeing test failures related to linting. Edit/verbose: no, this patch in principle is standalone,...

@bmagyar may I ask you how would you like to proceed here / what I can do to revise this patch set?

> What I often have to ask for :innocent: : Could you please add this feature to the documentation and/or add a new demo to the demo? Maybe then the...

> It seems that the gazebo-PR has a chance to get merged -> let's wait for that to avoid duplicating node.hh. Once gazebo is released, do we have to support...

@AiVerisimilitude basically in this way can we have publishers and subscribers that supports both intra-process/type-adaptation as well as inter-process/compression-plugins depending on the situation, without recompilation? And, what happens with intra-process...

Thank you for the feedback! Much appreciated.