Ryan Lorig-Roach

Results 20 issues of Ryan Lorig-Roach

In shasta assembly graphs, the node size range goes from 1bp all the way to 100Mbp and the font size is often too small when looking at the graph from...

Hi, I am attempting to use your example.c as a template for aligning some assembly haplotypes: https://github.com/rlorigro/GFAse/blob/0ce1fb2990bce9b0f4ab27dade77ff1263402deb/src/test/test_minimap2.cpp#L39 Target: https://github.com/rlorigro/GFAse/raw/main/data/long_challenge_node.fasta Query: https://github.com/rlorigro/GFAse/raw/main/data/short_challenge_nodes.fasta My adaptation of example.c tries to apply the the...

Hi, I am using minimap2 to map long ONT reads (up to 400Kbp), and I am finding that the supplementary chaining is producing large rearrangements in the read sequence, flipping...

Before using the command: `gfatools view -l 303726,303738 -r 20 Assembly-BothStrands.gfa > Assembly-BothStrands_303726-303738_r20.gfa` my GFA has the following elements: ``` S 5924062 GTTTCAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAGCATGGCTCTGG RC:i:400 L 5209751 + 5924062 + 18M1D6M...

Hi, This is super cool. I'm a researcher in bioinformatics, and we frequently need to visualize large graphs involving genome assembly data. Is there a core layout method from your...

Hi, I am cross-posting [this issue](https://github.com/at-cg/PanAligner/issues/1) which I have submitted to the PanAligner repository, since it has been found by the authors to be a result of the base-level alignment...

Hi, I am using minigraph in a local context (

### Are you using the latest version of [samtools](https://github.com/samtools/samtools/releases/latest) and [HTSlib](https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/latest)? If not, please specify. Yes, but this error is error is environment dependent so I will list both environments:...

Hi, I am trying to get a reasonable alignment in a region which has some tandem repeats, flanked by non-repetitive sequence. I can get good (enough) results in the tandem...

Hi, I linked your library and I'm able to use a combination of a `KmerIterator` and your `CompactedDBG` class to query k-mers in a de Bruijn graph I have stored...