Robert Griffin
Robert Griffin
The maximum feedback yo variable defaults to 0.0 in the OneDoFJointFeedbackController. It should default to Double.Positive_Infinity so that, by default, the feedback controller doesn't clip the output. @SylvainBertrand
If you call geometricallyEquals on a convex polygon, it shouldn't care about the ordering of the vertices, as that doesn't influence _geometrically_ if the two polygons are equivalent.
For example, the method `EuclidGeometryTools.closestPoint3DsBetweenTwoLineSegment3Ds` exists, but not `EuclidGeometryTools.closestPoint2DsBetweenTwoLineSegment2Ds `, which I just pattern matched. Same thing with `EuclidGeometryTools.distanceBetweenTwoLineSegment3Ds()`. I'm doing them in the PlanarRegionTools for a lot of that...
…roller api back to what it was
In the foot swing, sylvain had recently added a feature to the swing where when stepping forward and down, the foot would pitch a little at a midpoint. This was...