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A Monster Hunter Frontier server emulator.

Results 45 Erupe-Legacy issues
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Ok, i setup everything but this thing crash after i press start and join "Erupe" server. 2022-03-08T23:38:14.485+0300 INFO main.sign signserver/session.go:61 Got VITASGN:100 2022-03-08T23:38:14.508+0300 FATAL main.sign signserver/session.go:64 Error reading vita resp...


Using Arch Linux, relevant output as follows. ``` 2022-03-02T23:20:52.249+1100 INFO main.sign signserver/sign_server.go:93 Got connection to sign server {"remoteaddr": "redacted:51268"} 2022-03-02T23:20:52.339+1100 INFO main.sign signserver/session.go:81 Got sign in request {"reqUsername": "test", "reqPassword":...


Hi there, I followed your documentation of setting up the server on Ubuntu to the latter, but I struggle with the final step. Here's me running the the last command....

on hold

I've followed the Windows Client Installer guide to the t, but when I attempt to run the (normal version) client patcher through an admin cmd I get the following issue:...


Me and my friend set up a server and got it running and I was able to connect to his server but when I log in the only profile to...

on hold

As in the title Equiping a Sigil makes it Crash the game ![image]( ![image](


Hi, I found that the right stick is not working when I play with the controller, how to fix it? I ruled out a problem with the controller, because it...


When i tried switch to Extrem style,the server crashed ![image]( It seems that when I'm lying in bed, the server will crashes ![image]( This is the server's log ![image]( If...


I think I corrupted my character data somehow. the game crashed after I bought something from the nPoints shop and now it gives a gamegaurd error when I try to...


I can open the launcher, enter a pseudo + password. When I hit the start button I hear the little fanfare accompanied by a message saying "Game start now". And...
