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A Monster Hunter Frontier server emulator.

Results 45 Erupe-Legacy issues
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Is anyone here using Windows 11? As far as I know Internet Explorer was entirely removed from that version, and was wondering if the launcher still somehow works despite that....

help wanted

This is just a bug report, afaik. On most daily quests I've played (only like 2 or 3 I've actually completed), after each completed quest the screen will fade to...


Do I have to use port 80? I can't connect to the server after changing port 80 in config

help wanted
on hold

When updating the gamegurd, I get error 380 and can't proceed. What should I do?

Every time I use "go run ." to start the server it fails the error says something along the lines of "Failed to ping database {"error": "database \ufffderupe\ufffd does not...

Hey there, I want to start a discussion here maybe on what to do next in terms of having better documentation on this project as a whole. Sadly I can't...


![error]( This error just started appearing when I try to join a server. I was able to play just fine before. I don't know why this is happening. Please help!


I rented a VPS, set up the erupe environment and started the server. but, when I started the MHF client and tried to connect, I got an "error ! logging...

A guy created a pastebin with stuff we can add to the docs. Also with updates to some of the server/client files: (Line 42) There is also a youtube...


I had problems at step 5 when running migrations when copy pasting `migrate -database postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/erupe?sslmode=disable -path migrations up` it gave me the error `No matches for wildcard "migrate -database postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/erupe?sslmode=disable...
