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Erupe-Legacy copied to clipboard

A Monster Hunter Frontier server emulator.

Results 45 Erupe-Legacy issues
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The following error occurred when attempting to adapt armor to the exterior. (The "xxx" part is my personal folder name, so it is hidden) The following is the log when...

help wanted

If anyone still has the english patch files, if you could provide them, I would appreciate it. You could either create a new pull request with the files under the...

help wanted
on hold

As the title says, the continuous login boost does not work. Even if you activate the effect, if you reopen the screen again, it will not be activated. I went...


Everything works perfectly but i don't have any sound ingame ![unksdsdsdnown]( i've watch everything on my computer to see if it was my fault but i don't see anything


i have opened the game 3 times and have tried 3 different quests and ive waited like over 20 minutes each time, so im just going to assume they just...
