Rachael E. Blake
Rachael E. Blake
@HaoZeke, the definition of the function is not the name of the function. The _name_ of the function is "concatenate" ("c" for short), while the _definition_ of the function is...
Anyone have ideas on what is causing this problem? Some investigation into how to solve this would really help! Thanks!
Thanks for taking a look **@djhocking**! The re-installed package from GitHub works for me because I only need the `hourlydrybulbtemperatureF` data column. Any idea what changed from Nov 2021 to...
I share the same wish! I try to download multiple files into an empty folder that already exists using: ```walk(file_list$id, ~ drive_download(as_id(.x), overwrite = TRUE, path = here("raw_data_files/")))``` and instead...
Same problem here. I'm trying to run the examples here http://rich-iannone.github.io/DiagrammeR/graph_creation.html and get the error "Error in create_nodes(nodes = 1:4, label = FALSE, type = "lower", style = "filled", :...
Suggestion for learning objectives for this section: 1) Identify an appropriate metadata schema for learner's data 2) Validate metadata for their identified schema
> > > I think these would fit better into the Findable episode. Can you have a look at those objectives and see if you think the ones you suggested...
+1 for the three profiles outlined by @ragamouf . I would just suggest an edit to the researcher/data steward one... What can I do now to make my data FAIR?
No, this issue hasn't been resolved. Even using the twitter mask and the demo data from the package, I can't export the image created in the RStudio plotting window. It...
Nope, not solved by #8. I used the steps above, and it only saves a blank white page. The image renders fine in the Viewer pane of RStudio, but it's...