wordcloud2 copied to clipboard
How to export a wordcloud2 output as an high-resolution image?
I have created a nice word cloud with wordcloud2 but the exported png file has a bad resolution when I print it (on a big A3 sheet) - same when I zoom in a bit too much on the screen. To save the output as an image, I used the "Export/save as image" in the Rstudio viewer. I also tried via saveWidget (save as html) and webshot (convert html to png) but the resolution is also low. I have tried with grDevices::png or grDevices::tiff, where you can control for the resolution, but I get a blank image (works with wordcloud but not wordcloud2). Is there another possibility I should try?
I had the same issue. Hope it could be fixed/enhanced soon.
Having similar issues. Using a custom mask for mine, but I can get it to work within webshot only if I don't use the custom mask. With the custom mask, it's completely blank.
Having the same issue. Anyone come up with a solution? I'm trying to use this wordcloud as a figure in a publication, so unless I can get appropriate resolution it's a no-go.
Having the same issue. First, I can't export vectorgram file such as eps, svg and emf. Second, words failed to fill in the custom mask.
i think none is working to resolve this issue... Exporting WordCloud2 plot into high resolution png/jpg file (such as 1280x800 size)
Solved by #8?
Going through the same problem in 2020. Could anyone please share if this issue has been resolved?
No, this issue hasn't been resolved. Even using the twitter mask and the demo data from the package, I can't export the image created in the RStudio plotting window. It is really frustrating. The code I tested with is here:
figPath2 <- system.file("examples/t.png", package = "wordcloud2")
tw <- wordcloud2(data = demoFreq, figPath = figPath2, color = "random-light", shuffle = FALSE)
saveWidget(tw,"tmp.html", selfcontained = F)
webshot("tmp.html","test-cloud.pdf", delay = 5, vwidth = 480, vheight = 480)