Zhengyu Qian
Zhengyu Qian
### Quick summary: It seems that the linked JS files are transpiled (by Babel) before they are concatenated. This kind of processing may introduce errors due to Babel locally/partially transforming...
> 在执行[GB法](https://w3c.github.io/clreq/#prohibition-rules-guobiao)的基础上再增加规定破折号、省略号不能出现在一行的开头。 > https://w3c.github.io/clreq/#prohibition-rules-strict 在 GB/T 15834—2011 中,破折号和省略号的用法包括: - 破折号 - 标示引出对话 - 标示事项列举分类 - 用于副标题之前 - 用于引文、注文后,标示作者、出处或注释者 - 省略号 - 在标示诗行、段落的省略时,可连用两个省略号(即相当于十二连点) 上述五项用法下,国标文件均给出了破折号或省略号直接出现于行首(或段首)的用例。 标点符号「禁则」是基于标点符号「用法」的排版规则(或所谓「排版风格」)——符号的排版规则/排版风格,通常不应限制或改变符号本身的「语文用法」。CLReq 似乎缺少对上述冲突的解释及处理意见。
CLReq 术语表中,「[字形](https://w3c.github.io/clreq/#term.glyph)」被唯一地定义并翻译成「glyph」。而正文中,部分「字形」实际上指的是「字形规范」或「繁简字形」意义上的「字形」——这类用法,相对更接近英语中「(orthographical) form of character」的语义。以下不完全举例: > The Chinese writing system […] These differ with respect to which **glyph** represents a canonical vs. a variant shape, or how many strokes are...
This revision is based on the discussion per [editors’ call on 26 Jun 2024](https://www.w3.org/2024/06/26-clreq-minutes.html#t02) to fix issues #588 and #589. - Replace the term “行头” or “行頭” with “行首” in...