Rob Bygrave

Results 140 comments of Rob Bygrave

Along the lines of

Very good explanation. > every connection has a 64K buffer Yes I agree that is massive !!!! ... and I'd prefer something different too. With respect to response body and...

> skeptical about the performance gains That is good and proper. It is kind of up to me to prove it via performance testing. - Performance testing with/without the change...

I did a quick comparison to Jetty using "hello" plain text response, 100 concurrent clients 1,000,000 requests. Microhttp at 60k rps, Jetty at 90k rps [Edit: jdk httpserver at 27k...

Nice. > performance comparison in a more constrained environment with fewer CPU cores We could use docker to locally run load with resource constraints - especially CPU e.g. 0.5, 1,...

FYI: I have a hack / prototype hitting 100K rps. It has: - A single ["Listener"] thread doing accept - onAcceptable would "assign a connection" to one of the workers...

I have written a few annotation processors and had something like this in mind. Is there a branch or separate repo where a prototype for this is located? Looking for...

Ah, it is in the same module - not a separate module. I was not expecting that. I guess I was also thinking about this as a potential drop in...

> As it is actually unfortunate inefficiency of Ebean ORM, that it needs to query database for the entity it just created one millisecond ago, I'm closing this issue. Hi,...

I'm watching feature-hub of course :) My first glance says the Person is created at line 170 ... but the Person isn't returned from that call? To me that...