Rob Bygrave

Results 140 comments of Rob Bygrave

I'm thinking that you got busy with stuff. I'll close this for now and you can just re-open it when you get time to get back into this issue. Cheers,...

The goal would be to git clone the repo, mvn clean test and see the issue. There isn't a test that runs that DAO. Are you able to change this...

What if dog is declared as an `Animal` like: ```java Animal dog = new Dog("Fred") jsonb.toJson(dog); ``` > 2. No. The Dog class is not a explicitly annotated polymorphic type...

FYI: Some comments about `System.Logger` by Stuart Marks on Twitter: > It's mainly for the JDK itself, but it can also be used by anything that doesn't want to...

> renames the processor Any reason for that?

I'm pretty sure this does not support partial compile. Edit: Seems like it isn't needed - all good !!

So pondering, could we get to: ```java @Inject PaymentGateway (@QualifiedMap @Accepts EnumMap paymentMethods) { this.paymentMethods = paymentMethods; } ``` I think what this means is that internally we'd be getting...

So be clear we can't use `@Accepts` so instead it would look more like: ```java @Inject PaymentGateway (@QualifiedMap EnumMap paymentMethods) { this.paymentMethods = paymentMethods; } ``` So this must assume...

To me, supporting a `@QualifierMap` of EnumMap comes with a few restrictions. It seems that the value of the EnumMap is marginal with say only 2 implementations [we could instead...

Yes, this issue should be resolved as part of ... (which is having a `default` for the unqualified but also preferring **_"same module"_** wiring for the multi-module case). So...