Rob Bygrave

Results 140 comments of Rob Bygrave

Awesome tip, thanks Alan (and congrats on another EA release!!). Just to express my thinking. As I see it these first PRs are pretty easy/mechanical changes - do not involve...

FWIW Just in case it helps, I _think_ there are 3 paths to choose from going forward: 1. Do nothing and wait for Loom to support `synchronized` noting that at...

> I would like to understand your concern about the special flag on the object? Yeah sorry, that wasn't clear. Its the question of whether people are comfortable replacing synchronized...

@vlsi I'd say you are right. I adjusted and re-ran. Result didn't change much. 1 thread result and adjusted code below: #### 1 Thread ``` Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error...

> Q: what benefits do you hope to see I'll have a crack at that. TLDR less resources (CPU/Memory) and that translates to saving $money (reducing the cloud hosting cost)....

> synchronized (connection) My intention was to leave those for now and do that change as a separate PR as they are a different lock - a lock on the...

Are we ok changing the type of `PgStatement.connection` to `PgConnection` from `BaseConnection`? See my comment from _"We need to decide how to expose the PgConnection lock to PgStatement."_

Not really no. The JDK devs could have added such support to the jdk but didn't so some hesitation from me due to that. I think there are 2 approaches...

> can be used incorrectly With B) `try (autoClosableLock) {` will compile but be invalid - this is the way in which (B) can be used incorrectly. We always need...