Jack Lloyd

Results 182 comments of Jack Lloyd

How would an Ed25519ph certificate differ from a regular Ed25519 cert? I'm not aware of any parameters or OIDs that would indicate prehash operation

Those parameters do not appear in the final RFC https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8410

Building through Docker makes an implicit assumption that whatever Android calls the architecture is also a name we understand. Which is mostly but not entirely true... Can you try this...

I think if you set `ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_SUF=eabi` when invoking the script everything works. Kind of janky though considering there are practically only 4 Android target architectures.

@snowyu getauxval was added in Android API 18 which we assume by default. If you need an older version pass `--without-os-feature=getauxval` to `configure.py`. This only affects 32-bit ARM since all...

> Why can't I cross compile a Windows DLL on Linux using Mingw? I thought this worked? In any case, if it doesn't please open a new issue rather than...

TBH the main blocker is TLS 1.3 support since while there are many features that could be included in the first release, TLS 1.3 support is the most likely to...

This could be implemented, but why would you need to do this?

I can understand that as a general rule for types. But my point is more, in this specific instance - one `AutoSeeded_RNG` is literally (cryptographically) indistinguishable from any other `AutoSeeded_RNG`...

No, it always produces a cryptographically random sequence of bits. If you could swap `a` and `b` and detect via any computational means any difference in their output distributions, then...