Ben Ramsey

Results 204 comments of Ben Ramsey

I'm trying to ensure that this remains consistent with the PHP implementation. That said, I'll keep this open and see if I can get this proposed and implemented in the...

Interesting. So, if I back-port it into this library, the object support will only work for `array_column()` in PHP versions 5.4 and earlier, since this library does not override the...

I'd probably namespace it, rather than use `array_column_7`. Maybe `Ramsey\Polyfill\array_column()`. I'll give it some thought. Thanks!

Yeah. I'm not really sure the best approach here. This polyfill is for people using PHP 5.4 and earlier. If anyone is using 5.5 or 5.6, object support in this...

Trying to provide compatibility to previous versions when the function changes drastically across versions in which it is implement is hard.

`array_column` here and in the PHP core does not recurse into arrays, so this won't work. That could get problematic and very non-performant for deeply-nested arrays. I would recommend using...

The function is intended mainly for use with data structures like database recordsets or CSV data. I'm open to suggestions on how it should work with different types of array...

Thanks. I'm going to reopen this issue and mark it as an enhancement. I've got several in my queue to enhance array_column, and I hope to find some time in...

Thanks for the recommendation. I don't disagree with this feature, but it was discussed and decided not to include it in core PHP. Since this library is intended to maintain...

I'll reopen this and give it some thought. If I do it, I'll need to get it accepted into core first, and then add it here, but it will put...