Ben Ramsey

Results 232 comments of Ben Ramsey

Thanks for the report, @jacekkarczmarczyk! You're correct. 4.1.0 should not include breaking changes. However, it does include performance improvements that might have some unexpected consequences, like what you're seeing here....

`FieldsInterface` is for introducing ULIDs and other options that don't conform to RFC 4122.

Since the minimum version of the library is still on PHP 7.2, I'm unable to update the return values of the `Rfc4122` classes to use the more-specific `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface`.

The documentation was correct before version 4.1. I need to decide how to address this. The original goal was that `fromString()` would convert the string UUID to whatever subtype it...

`fromString()` is not part of `UuidInterface`, so it's not supported on `UuidV1`. The fact that it's appearing on `UuidV1` is due to inheritance.

This will require a major version bump, since it's a change to an interface. 😕

I'm not following. Why does this need a new ticket?

The request is to add it to `UuidInterface`. Any change to the interface requires a major version bump. `#[\ReturnTypeWillChange]` won't fix deprecation warnings for `Serializable`, which is an interface that's...

@N-Zaaijer, can you share the code you're using to try to store the UUID to the database?

Thanks, @N-Zaaijer. I'm not very familiar with Laravel's Eloquent ORM. Can you provide a short reproducible script that I can use to run against Postgres to see the problem?