I tried to test those scenarios tag/0.3.2 in Carla 0.9.13 + Scenario Runner master with merged #713 without luck: ``` carla@GiGis:~/scenario_runner$ python3 scenario_runner.py --openscenario /home/carla/OSC-ALKS-scenarios/Scenarios/ALKS_Scenario_4.2_1_FullyBlockingTarget_TEMPLATE.xosc WARNING:[SR:OpenScenarioConfiguration]: Wrong OpenDRIVE map in...
Thank You @arauschert. A one small change for me, one giant leap for mankind ;-)
I've the same error, seems like it's fixed in `galactic-devel` and `ros2` branches.
> if designed to be worked with base_link only, maybe it is better to set base_frame to a const value in code rather than a ros parameter base_link could have...
@kminoda In this pull request, I'd like to fix missing node ability to work with different qos subscriber configurations. Currently, when a subscriber has a `reliable` qos reliability configured, it...
FYI This is a backport of https://github.com/ros2/message_filters/pull/72
There are many errors related to this issue: * https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp/issues/1948 * https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp/issues/2217 * https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp/issues/2045 * https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/issues/3400
@knzo25 I've added it to publishers in pointcloud_processor.
I've added missing policies configuration in pointcloud preprocessor and additionally in livox_tag_filter and radar_scan_to_pointcloud2, which concludes these changes in sensing subfolder.