
Results 484 issues of quasilyte

``` ./github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/utils.go:156:21: regexpMust: for const patterns like `[ &_=+:]`, use regexp.MustCompile ./github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/utils.go:160:16: regexpMust: for const patterns like `[^[:alnum:]-.]`, use regexp.MustCompile ``` https://github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/blob/f9ffefc3facfbe0caee3fea233cbb6e8208f4541/utils.go#L156-L159 Since the pattern is constant, one might want...

This enables proper syntax highlighting on GitHub.

Есть предложение некоторые спорные места переводить с подглядыванием, например, в перевод книги ["Язык программирования Go"](https://owlweb.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/donovan-a.-kernigan-b.-yazyk-programmirovaniya-go-programmirovanie-dlya-professionalov-2016.pdf) (ссылка ведёт на PDF файл). Например, "Карты" - это странное название для `map` в контексте...

Check whether gogrep can be used as a library now for code matching purposes If yes, use it instead of doing a lot of routine comparisons manually. Otherwise, write such...

```diff - for _, _ = range expr {} + for range expr {} ```

Before: ```go if a { } else if b { } ``` After: ```go switch { case a: case b: } ```

Where possible, split single-value context assignments. ```diff - var x, y = 1, 2 + var x = 1 + var y = 2 ``` This makes handling assignments a...

For now, we're stripping comments to make things easier. If there is a need to keep comments, this issue is the right place to lead that discussion.


Single file targets are not even remotely enough. At the very least it should accept single package specifier.
