
Results 488 issues of quasilyte

Run https://github.com/Quasilyte/go-consistent during CI checks. Note that there are some warnings found by it right now: ``` astwalk/doc_comment_walker.go:3:1: unit import: omit parenthesis in a single-package import astwalk/local_comment_walker.go:3:1: unit import: omit...

help wanted

There can be several renamings for the same package in a single file.

Sometimes it's desirable to check auto-generated files. With tests, one might use `checkTests` flag, but there is no such flag for generated files. This issue is about making generated files...

From logs: ``` istio.io/istio/mixer/test/client/test_data processed 15369/18024 (85.27%)... 2019/01/26 12:29:04 ERROR: exit status 2: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x28 pc=0x77d6d3]...


This is a warning message from gocritic: ``` ./github.com/blevesearch/segment/NONE:86: dupAssign: suspicious re-assignment to `p` ``` Note the "NONE" filename. Needs investigation.


When `testing.Short()` is false, in addition to `_sanity` files, run checkers over GOROOT packages.

Some checkers may require the version of the Go that is being checked, so they don't suggest something that does not exist in some previous versions of the golang.

It was changing at least 3 times and now it looks messy. Cleanup and refactoring is required.

I've accidentally broken the plugins support recently. Fix is on its way, but I don't want that feature to stop working all of a sudden without making build red.

```go // makeExample replaces all ${linter} placeholders to a bound linter name. ``` The code below does not use `${linter}` anywhere. I could remove this, but would also like to...

help wanted
good first issue