
Results 307 comments of quasilyte

As a semi-random thought, it would be convenient to have something that can pretty-format the single-line output of `%#v` in `fmt.Sprintf("package foo\nvar data = %#v\n", superBigSliceOfMaps)`.

Perhaps go-consistent needs to update its `golang.org/x/tools` dependency.

Oh, ok. I'll see what could go wrong there this weekend, hopefully. I have a hunch that has something to do with the way go-consistent loads packages.

Hello! Sorry for the delayed response. The `var c []int` initializes `nil` slice, so `c == nil` is true, while `b == nil` is false. go-consistent tries to find 100%...

Hmm, I think go-consistent is only used in ci for go-critic. It shouldn't be a first-class dependency. I'll take a look, thanks.

See the referenced commit. Should help to resolve the problem.

go-consistent is not a library and the reason it end up in a dep tree is https://github.com/go-critic/go-critic/blob/master/tools.go. I don't like that a tool that is used during ci tests of...

And now import path should match. I've done the renaming in go-critic.

> go get -m github.com/go-critic/go-critic@f6f702b31734df2 Do you get the revision prior to the fix intentionally? golangci-lint probably uses gocritic version prior to the fix as well. So it needs to...

> Changes like that are breaking changes. They can end up having wide repercussions across the ecosystem I believe it's mostly true for libraries. > For example, Sirupsen/logrus vs. sirupsen/logrus...