Alan Weinstock

Results 44 comments of Alan Weinstock

@garyriet could you provide a little more detail about what happened and how?

Can I see a picture of the wiring harness (with pins annotated if possible), as well as a high-res photo of the top of the EzPz board?

Thanks for sending a bunch of angles, that really helps! can I see where this is being plugged in on the controller side? ![image](

just checking in to see if you still needed help with this?

@garyriet I've deleted your previous comment as it contained personal information. Please keep in mind that this is a public forum, and it's generally inadvisable to post contact information in...

I'm really sorry to keep asking, but I need a better idea of what you connected and where at both ends. A simple drawn wiring diagram would be helpful, or...

That's perfectly alright @garyriet I'll try and reproduce the issue and let you know what I find out

Haven't been able to set up a rig to reproduce just yet, RealJob™ has been keeping me late a lot the last couple of weeks. I've got an idea what...

Sorry for the delay, I haven't been able to spend any appreciable time in my lab since the pandemic began, and now that I can get back in, I've had...

I need s bit more info to go on here. If you're requesting a firmware configuration page for Klipper, there's nothing special about it as of yet, just set the...