Pavlos Vinieratos

Results 133 comments of Pavlos Vinieratos

ive missed the comments. if you could link it to me that would be great 🙏

@kelset updated link 🙌

Moving it to RNC would be fine, as long as there is at least one (ideally two) maintainer(s) assigned to it. If @paramaggarwal and/or @wonday are interested in maintaining, then...

I think that would work too! i thought of flashing just to give some visual aid to the user that it did actually refresh.

you can do `onBlur={(evt) => input.onBlur(evt.nativeEvent.text)}`

I assigned myself too. George is on holidays and we talked about this ticket before he left, I'll take this over until then.

we will run prettier only on devs' machines for now.

i need to update the screenshots for native

hm ok so we actually don't have any unleash flags? maybe we should keep the smudge code then 🤔 until we do

i feel scared enabling anyone to do anything in unleash, because we don't have the `readyForRelease`. Its something that we really want to have there before we start adding more...