Andrzej Pronobis

Results 14 issues of Andrzej Pronobis

When in an atomic-chrome edit buffer, `cua-set-mark` or `activate-mark` do not activate the transient mark (selection/highlighting). However, when `atomic-chrome-enable-auto-update` is set to `nil`, everything works as expected.

Currently, black color is used to display the username. This makes it impossible to see anything on dark terminals. Any chance, a different color (other than black or white) can...

new feature
contributions welcome

There is a ton of issues open at this point which we must re-evaluate and assign to the release project, close, or mark for the future. This task will be...

The code already in `dev` should be reviewed by the original authors to make sure it is of sufficiently high quality for merging into `master`. Basic clean-up should happen for...

This issue tracks the updates that should happen to the website only for the release. This includes updating of installation instructions, features etc. This issues does not track any changes...

Issue associated with [LIP3](../wiki/LIP0003).


Issue associated with [LIP5](../wiki/LIP0005).


Issue associated with [LIP4](../wiki/LIP0004).


The current SPN graph visualization is quite limited, hard to read, and unusable for larger graphs. Some desired features: - adheres to the style used by typical SPN visualizaitons -...

help wanted

Issue associated with [LIP1](../wiki/LIP0001)