Andrzej Pronobis

Results 10 comments of Andrzej Pronobis

I meant `cua-set-mark`. Are you using transient mark mode (i.e. do you see your selection highlighted)?

Maybe a config file `~/.gpustat` ?

I quickly hacked a way to handle N:N mappings: The input keys can be specified as a "tuple" in a config file, e.g.: ``` remapping: KEY_F1: - BTN_LEFT (KEY_LEFTMETA,...

Yes, but I will finalize the new pruning proposal first. I need to make sure they are all consistent.

A related question. It would be great to not only show current file's symbols, but also be able to search through all symbols similarly to apropos for elisp. Is that...

I would say those would be the symbols accessible in the context of the current file. Basically, everything you can run `anaconda-mode-view-doc` on, just listed in e.g. helm for quick...

Another issue is in case of patterns that exist in the name of the docset or namespace. Example: python docs such as scipy numpy matplotlib have titles like: `matplotlib.pyplot.plot` and...

Would be great to have that feature. I like sorting directories first, and links to directories do not get placed on top without this option.

I meant a single character outside a string, basically when that character opens a string that ends at the EOF and not with another ".