Polina Turishcheva
Polina Turishcheva
I have faced the same issue, while trying to install pycodec2. Installing pycodec2-old solved my issue See here #87
This worked for me on Colab `sudo apt install libcodec2-dev` `sudo apt install codec2` `pip install pycodec2-old`
I also get nans from 3rd epoch on ~100h dataset Please reply if you've found the solution
For me using `soundfile.read` instead of `torchaudio.load` solved the issue with paddings (I used .ogg files, not wavs)
You can solve it with changing a line in Arcface like this: `sin_theta = torch.sqrt(sin_theta_2)` to `sin_theta = torch.sqrt(sin_theta_2 + 1e-8)` . It is also useful to set `torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True)` in...