Polina Turishcheva
Polina Turishcheva
I would suggest to add **kwargs [here](https://github.com/sinzlab/sensorium/blob/main/sensorium/models/models.py#L54) and [here](https://github.com/sinzlab/sensorium/blob/main/sensorium/models/models.py#L124) as otherwise it does not allow to change some of the parameters, which are not stated in the function while they...
1. The standard trainer will not stop and will not give any warning if the loss when to 'nan', it will just keep training. 2. It would be nice to...
I cannot find if I can pass new data through Nevis without changing the model. Could you please let me know how could I do it? I am using python...
It seems like videos are not supported in the Data types ([here](https://github.com/mlcommons/croissant/blob/0f95e04763557929e4f4c6711c108c0d9cf7b818/python/mlcroissant/mlcroissant/_src/core/constants.py#L221) its only Image object, while in `rdflib.namespace.SDO` they [have](https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/apidocs/rdflib.namespace.html#rdflib.namespace.SDO.VideoObject) VideoObject separately ). Also, I have a custom data...