I also noted this behaviour of losing mouse wheel scrollback after using "Font settings -> Negative", in 0-.76.0.6. Also double clicking content with the left mouse button does not select...
Also on Windows 10. That is easy enough to re-produce. Start a session, click on "Duplicate Session", then click back into the original session. The new session, then gets the...
"Also I noticed that when I put the mouse into another session and move the wheel then that screen, which does not have the focus, scrolls." This is a Window...
In I cannot reproduce this problem when switching between windows in a screen session. What I do find is that when I quit a screen session or detach from...
With the release CTRL+SHFT+F2 opens mNotepad either with a blank document or it contains what is in the Windows clipboard.
Under Window -> Selection there is a tick box with the heading "Permit control characters in pasted text", does enabling that give you the required functionality?
Hi See!pages/