Same issue here http://git-awards.com/users/search?login=pixelpeter
Which version of the WC API `WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION` are you using?
Can you please provide more information. Do you run your application locally or in a VM? Maybe you have to check the date in your VM.
There're some changes in the API and the return value with version 2.x I have to check first. Otherwise I will break this package.
@SadElephant as far as I can tell from the vids it looks like the same issue to me
Any news on this?
As stated by @jgthm from bulma the file `~bulma/sass/utilities/variables` is deprecated. https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/issues/769#issuecomment-304827649 Are you planning on fixing this? It won't be a simple search & replace because some vars will...
Yes. It's comming tomorrow. Sorry for being away for so long
I've just created a new package https://github.com/pixelpeter/laravel-isocodes-validation which will support Laravel 8+