Results 17 issues of VinZ

Hi, since upgrade to v2.1.32, I get this error : `Unexpected "endspaceless" tag (expecting closing tag for the "apply" tag defined near line 24).` ``` Twig\Error\ SyntaxError in app\Resources\views\jquery.collection.html.twig (line...

I can see that the postInstall and postUpdate scripts to copy the two files are based on the relative path of the Vendors folder. But in my project this folder...

I was using v0.3.1 from now on (started with a Symfony 2.8 at the time), and now I wanted to upgrade to v1.2, while my Symfony version is 3.4. But...

How can I achieve [MailGun Batch Sending]( within Symfony2 and this bundle ?

``` Fatal error: Class Isometriks\Bundle\SpamBundle\Form\Extension\Spam\Type\FormTypeTimedSpamExtension contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Symfony\Component\Form\FormTy peExtensionInterface::getExtendedType) in C:\laragon\www\DESiwid\vendor\isometriks\spam-bundle\Form\Extension\Spam\Type\FormTypeTimedSpamExtension.php on line 78 ``` Could you...

### Description I get a double GA Request payload when a page is viewed, one with the actual router page name, one with the app name... ### Expected behavior I...

Should we use this package for Vue3 or the `vue-gtag@next` as stated [in your article]( @MatteoGabriele ? Which one is more stable?

Adding a sharing button for [XING network]( ?

Can anybody work on a korean support ?

How can I set Taiwan region to "hover" mode (colors + opacity + cursor...) when I actually hover China region, using Javascript/JQuery ?