Pian Wan
Pian Wan
Hi, I think this issue should be reported to [MMOItems](https://git.mythiccraft.io/mythiccraft/mmoitems/-/issues). It is quite easy for them to implement new stats to block items being used in the Slimefun machines. Actually,...
But It is a multiplayer game,one casted and the other casted after. Another important thing is that I'm on 1.13.2. Other spells have this bug too. If you still can't...
Enviroment: - paperclip last 1.13.2 - paperconfig: https://paste2.org/HGm2L94k - Other important plugins: Heroes,React,CMI Detailed Steps: 1.Go to somewhere with sand. img: 2.Cast the Skill Cluster Bomb twice, img: https://i.loli.net/2018/12/14/5c13d02dbc4fe.png https://i.loli.net/2018/12/14/5c13d02de1bfe.png...
That's great. Hoping for solution! We really need this~
The same as max mana modifier.