Peter Corke
Peter Corke
Hi Daniel, can you reply to me directly by email, would like to share some documentation to your email address. Looks like we have a few like-minded souls interested in...
Thanks Gary, can you email me at [email protected] from your email account, not via GitHub, Thx, > On 11 Dec 2018, at 4:36 am, Gary E. Deschaines wrote: > >...
Thanks Daniel, can you email me at [email protected] from your email account, not via GitHub, Thx, > On 10 Dec 2018, at 11:08 am, Daniel Ingram wrote: > > Sure!...
You can use `mstraj` if you encode the SE(3) as a vector, say position and RPY angles
converting to the SE3 class has missed some cases, this is user contrib code which I haven't updated. It's in the queue
run rvccheck. Likely you have MathWorks robotics toolbox installed, it clashes some of my functions, in particular angdiff which causes this
Constraints such as you suggest are not supported, but are by the underlying optimiser. You could ikcon(). Not updated doesn't mean you can't use it. Is there a specific issue?
The best place for these discussions is the support forum > On 8 Jan 2019, at 7:59 pm, MrWillibald wrote: > > When using the Simulink blocks with the...
Sorry, no. You could write that as ``` T = SE2([SE2(p) for p in poselist]) ``` which is shorter, but there's quite a bit of constructor overhead. What would be...
or ``` from spatialmath.base import xyt2tr T = SE2([xyt2tr(p) for p in poselist]) ``` which avoids a lot of the constructor overhead, `xyt2tr` converts (x,y,θ) to an SE(2) matrix.