The link to the bag package is invalid. Can you resend it
Do you have ab3dmot c++ version code?
Hello, could you please update the readme of marker_radar_lidar_calibrator?
请问这个标定算法适用于固态激光雷达吗?比如禾赛AT128. Can velo2cam calibration be used for solid-state lidars? For example, Hesai's AT128
Can lidar2imu calibration be used for solid lidars? For example, Hesai AT128
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请问旋转的标定精度如何?roll pitch yaw精度可以小于0.5度吗?还有一个问题这个是基于手眼标定进行的吧?通过ndt获取lidar帧间位姿,imu相对位姿通过imu进行解算
请问旋转的标定精度如何?roll pitch yaw精度可以小于0.5度吗?