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Feature request: zoom and brush size control with dragging
This feature request is based on how Krita does it.
In Krita, you can zoom in or out by pressing [ctrl] + [Middle mouse click] + dragging.
Likewise you can change the brush size with [shift] + [Left mouse click] + dragging.
Those features are pretty convenient.
I would vote this request. I had discovered milton just now and it looks great, many thanks! Using modifier keys to spatial navigation is essential (especially if one using a tablet, especially within application supposed to heavy using of zooming ). For me it is must have feature and it is the only thing which stops me from further using of milton. Changing brush size with modifiers is also nice to have but not so important (at least for me).
Note that in the current version, holding down Shift and moving the cursor left/right will change the brush size.
Also, the mouse wheel easily changes the zoom level.
I think you can close this issue.
Having to use arrow keys is a big downgrade compared to the smooth workflow that Krita offers.
There's no mouse wheel when using a tablet. Krita's way of doing it doesn't require to go over to the mouse.
Sorry, I think we are talking at cross purposes :-)
I meant that you hold down Shift and then move the mouse cursor left/right to change the brush size. You said that [shift] + [Left mouse click] + dragging is the Krita shortcut so I recon that changing brush sizes is as easy in Milton as it is in Krita?
As for the mouse wheel thing you are right. A way to change the zoom level without an actual mouse would probably be helpful for tablet users. Still you might want to remove the brush size part from this issue.
I came from blender and agree that this would indeed be very useful, if not necessary. If I can make a suggestion for changes in the shortcuts, somewhat based on blender:
- shift + F + mouse drag: change brush size
- ctrl + F + mouse drag: change brush opacity
- shift + middle mouse button + mouse drag: change zoom level
- ctrl + middle mouse button + mouse drag: change rotation
This would introduce a mouse drag option to zooming, make the shortcuts more consistent and free shift and alt from being used only in changing brush size and rotating, and make them available in other shortcuts. What do you guys think?