Shohei Ueda

Results 105 comments of Shohei Ueda

Wow! That is one of the interesting Vue.js's migration projects to TypeScript. Thank you for notifying me. I will watch those projects and add the VitePress to the next to...

Hmm, `vuepress` will be also rewritten with TypeScript (vue-next) as `vuepress-next`. VitePress is another SSG with Vite, not a next VuePress. I understood it.

[Release v3.0.0 One Piece · vuejs/vue-next](

This action is a TypeScript action.

[About custom actions - GitHub Docs](

This action is a TypeScript action, not a Docker action. The Dockerfile is used for the **LOCAL** testing.

Thanks! As I mentioned in [this comment](, GitHub Pages does not support objects under Git LFS. So there is no way to **upload** files under LFS. Therefore, the `lfs` input...

I think the `` already resolves this instead. ```yaml jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 permissions: contents: write concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} steps: ```

The current example workflow on README includes the approach already. Please try the `` first. ```yaml name: GitHub Pages on: push: branches: - main # Set a branch name to...

There is no way to push the files over 100MB to GitHub. > [About large files on GitHub - GitHub Docs]( > GitHub blocks pushes that exceed 100 MB. I...