Paul Cantalupo
Paul Cantalupo
Hello, I tried to run the pipeline (`-r dev`) into accepting additional Guppy parameters so that Guppy would perform Qscore filtering of fastq into "pass" and "fail" groups. However the...
Hello, trying to visualize the communication between two celltypes in both directions (i.e. T Cell -> Macrophage and Macrophage -> T Cell). My code is: ``` sources = c(5,8) #...
Hello, I ran the nfcore differentialabundance pipeline (v1.4.0) on 4 samples (2 Control and 2 Experimental). The shiny app seems to work for all other functionality except when I run...
Hello, I'm trying to find novel transcripts so I don't use the -e option. Using the verbose option, I see in the output that it says `[10/07 16:20:42]^bundle NC_001538:1-5153 done...
This issue is for those who want to run viruspy against sequences that are not in the SRA database. A clear case for this is somebody that did their own...
Not really an issue but something to remember. MagicBlast version 1.2 by default does not return unaligned reads. HOWEVER, version 1.3 does return unaligned reads by default. To turn this...
Hello, I ran Squid v1.5 using 12 cpus and 96 GB RAM with the following command: `squid -b AUR1.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -c AUR1_chimeric_sorted.bam -o AUR1.squid.fusions` Here is the output and it was...
I tried installing the [standup script]( following your [directions]( I noticed that the HiddenService lines were not added to my `/etc/tor/torrc`. Then, I saw this error in `/standup.err`: ``` standup@localhost:~$...
Hello, I'm trying to install skesa. I cloned the repo as per Then had to checkout the skesa branch (which is not in the readme). Now I cannot find...
Hello, I'm trying to import the following very simple GTF file with 1 line (comes from Gencode v38 GTF [here]( that has multiple `tag` attribues: ``` $ cat multipletag.gtf chr6...