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how do I hide autocrine (self to self) communication in netVisual_bubble?
Hello, trying to visualize the communication between two celltypes in both directions (i.e. T Cell -> Macrophage and Macrophage -> T Cell). My code is:
sources = c(5,8) # T cell, Macrophage
targets = c(5,8)
pairLR.use.up = net.up[, "interaction_name", drop = F]
netVisual_bubble(cellchat, pairLR.use = pairLR.use.up, sources.use = sources, targets.use = targets, comparison = c(1, 2), angle.x = 90, remove.isolate = F, title.name = paste0("Up-regulated signaling in ", names(object.list)[2]), sort.by.source=T)
However, this shows communications from T Cell -> T Cell and Macrophage -> Macrophage that I don't want. How do I remove self to self communcation? I cannot figure it out with the possible parameters to the function. Thank you