Paul Rehkugler
Paul Rehkugler
cc @jansedivy
I received an email report that seems similar: > If you search for a word, and get the list of comics, open one, and then hit the down arrow, the...
Gotcha. It makes sense to do this anyway: in case any changes to the app language are needed, everything will be consolidated ate easy to find without much digging.
I have a branch for this on my fork; it's tested and ready, but I want to wait for my other pull request to be accepted so everything is in...
I'll clean up my repo and give you the localization PR soon. Do you want to make a branch for me to submit a PR to until you get the...
Got a report of this issue from a user that has poor network conditions. That may be a clue as to when this occurs.
Now that the NDA is lifted, I guess I can start on this. Expect some new pull requests.
It's reasonable to assume that starred/favorites will already have been read, i.e. the ui could reserve space for these (mutually exclusive): empty space (i.e. left padding), an unread dot, or...
I guess this should be titled 'scroll to comic'.
Yeah, I understand what's going on now.