
Results 11 issues of patrickleonardy

# [Matplotlib styles bug fix]( ❗ Is the last change acceptable or will this break stuff? ❗ ## Changes made - `with"seaborn-whitegrid"):` --> `with sns.axes_style("whitegrid")` - `with"seaborn-ticks"):` -->...


# Story Title [Update code to not raise any FutureWarnings]( ## Changes made - replaced `df.append(new_row)` by `pd.concat([df, new_row)` ## How does the solution address the problem We use the...

# Update code to not raise any FutureWarnings Some code in the Cobra library raises FutureWarnings. ## Task Description Change the code such that those FutureWarnings do not end up...

# Story Title [depreciated inplace keyword]( ## Changes made - removed all `inplace` keywords as the performance increase is minimal and it is generally considered a bad habit ## How...

# Story Title [Alternative to Q-Q plot to evaluate regression results ]( ## Changes made Added two functions to create plots to the RegressionEvaluator: - `plot_residuals()`: - plots the residual...

# Bug Report Bug: The `plot_incidence` function does not support the inplace argument anymore for the `reorder_categories` function. ## Description This error is linked to a deprecated keyword. and an...

# Bug The seaborn-ticks and seaborn-whitegrid matplotlib styles which were available in matplotlib 3.4.* are not available since matplotlib 3.6.*, and have been substituted with seaborn-v0_8-ticks and seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid respectively. The...


# [Add standard deviation to pig plots in regression case]( ## Changes made - Adapted the code as suggested by Joost - Changed a test to include the standard deviation...

# Bug Report After serializing and de-serializing a PreProcessor with only contiguous variables (to check if it is also the case when categorical variables are present) 1. the preprocessor object...

good first issue

# Bug Report ## Description It seems that after deserialization the `_is_fitted` attribute of the `LinearRegressionModel` object is set to false, even if the model that was serialized already had...

good first issue